Tuesday, September 14, 2010

End of Summer Giveaway

The official end of summer is almost upon us. We would love to hear about your summer! Leave a comment below about your favorite part of this summer, and one reader will receive a $50.00 http://www.restaurant.com/ gift card. The winner will be announced on September 22nd (the official last day of summer).


  1. Went to the beach! It was awsome!

  2. I had a great summer! I went to Jekyll Island several times!

  3. 2010 was one of the best summers I can remember, not because of one particular event but because I was able to spend it at home with my three babies! Becoming a temporary stay-at-home with the addition of my sweet baby girl allowed us and the boys to play outside, swim, sleep late, eat ice cream, meet our friends at the park, just kick back and enjoy the sweet summertime!

  4. The best part of Summer was our trip to Ponce Inlet, Florida! It was by far the best beach trip we have ever had. The beach and water was beautiful! Very relaxing and can't wait to go back!!

  5. I had several family gatherings this summer. It was wonderful. Lyra Skinner (lyraskinner@yahoo.com)

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