Sunday, June 27, 2010


Ok, I'll admit, this post is a little out there. I myself had serious doubts when I heard a new idea about bedsheets. BUT, it would truly save me some time, so I thought, why not give it a whirl? Here goes friends, we're livin' on the edge!
First, wash your sheets as usual (using your favorite homemade laundry soap, of course).
Next, take your sheets from the washer, and put them on the bed. Fitted sheet on like normal, then lay the flat sheet over as usual, just don't tuck it in. Leave any blankets or comforters off and let the sheets air dry. Wait a few hours. I like to do this in the morning, and then finish making it up before bed.
That's right, straight from the washer to the bed.
No dryer, no clothesline. I told you this was out there.
The washer's spin cycle removes all the excess water. I promise this really works, and you don't have to dry your sheets. This saves time, money, energy, and wear and tear on your bedding!
Kellye did this in the late afternoon and her sheets were dry in just a few hours. She, however, really lives on the edge!
Let us know how this turns out for you!