Saturday, April 10, 2010

Smaller Batch of Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap

Julie mentioned that I make a smaller batch of liquid laundry detergent. I've had several people ask for the smaller recipe. So I decided to post it. The "how to" is the same, only the amounts are different.
I use:
 1/3-1/2 ivory bar soap(grated)

1/2c washing soda
1/2 c borax

I melt the soap in 4c water. on the stove. Place borax and washing soda in a 2-21/2 gallon bucket

and in 6c HOT water. Stir well until dissolved. Pour in melted soap. Add 1 gallon and 4 cups of water. Let sit over night. Break up clumps then leave in bucket covered or pour into smaller containers. I use 1/2c to 1c per washing load.



  1. Hey Julie and Kellye - Is there a reason you use ivory soap? (besides that it's cheap) Would other bar soaps work or do they have to be of a particular quality or type? And if I am making the dry laundry detergent, do I need to be washing on the hot cycle? Love your blog! Amanda Adkison

  2. Hey Amanda!
    So glad to see you on here! I would encourage you to play around with different soaps. The reason we recommend ivory is, besides being cheap, it is easy for most people to find. I also like castile soaps(Dr. Bronner's is my favorite). This is a good way to get a scented laundry soap without spending a lot on essential oils. I have read that many people like Zote, Fels-Naphtha, and Kirk's Castile bar soaps. The answer to whether or not you need hot water is no. I typically use only a cold water cycle to cut back on energy, and my laundry comes out fine. Let us know if you find an alternative soap that you like. Good luck!

  3. Amanda,
    I forgot to add that I put the powdered detergent in and let the washer fill up with enough water to dissolve it before I add the laundry in.
